Cold, another scarce visitor, came to Dixie too. It is unusually brisk for a place that boasts an average high of 54 degrees for its two coldest months, December and January. Even November and February see 60-64 degrees for an average high. In this cold, Rusty, my Jackass, got a bit ill and went off his feed for a day earlier this week. If he could talk, I know what he'd say about Global Warming...
(UPDATE: 1/19/2009) Has anyone noticed the sharp contrast in the "news" about global warming lately? Apparently, we may actually be entering a new Ice Age! (click here)
Compare that to this article reported the same day claiming Obama only has 4 years to save the Earth from global warming. Are we being set up for a self fulfilling prophecy? Hmmmnnn...
(UPDATE: 2/5/2009) Click on this interesting article about Al Gore's Venus comparison--junk science at its finest. Of course, no one questions Gore on his conflict of interest in his Global Warming Hysteria--making our lawmakers complicit in the hoax.
Compare that to this news from Buffalo this morning, Or this OP ED compilation of interesting trends.
Oh my heck you're a hoot! I love to read your posts!
Time for some tobasco sauce on that tongue of yours... Oh, that's right, I forgot- you got addicted to that stuff waaaayyyy back.
Global Warming- you need to get rid of those mules- their flatulence is the worst culprit of all. Do your part man!
Hi, my name is Paul, I'm addicted to tobasco. (Echo "hi paul")
This week I had some swears just so I could justify drinking a bottle.
(echo "thanks paul)
Love the post and the comments. And then your comments! Toot toot. That's my addition to help warm you guys up down there.
Thanks Paul.
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